Rabbi Pinchas Fridman שליט"א
For over thirty years, tens of thousands of Jews from all walks of life are relishing the wonderful articles and innovations of Rabbi Pinchas Friedman, head of the Belza Kollels in Israel, mainly through the wonderful series of books “Shvilei Pinchas”, which covers mainly the Parsha and Moadim.
Deep, unique, bright, accessible, enriching,
the “Shvilei Pinchas” series is unique in its deep articles, which include innovations in the Torah orchard, pave new paths in understanding the words of Chazal and present wonderful innovations from the teachings of Rabbi Pinchas Friedman. Despite their depth and uniqueness, the articles are presented in a language equal to each soul, and tens of thousands of learners relish every Shabbes and Moed the ideas and innovations and swallow them with thirst.
The Rosh Yeshiva of Torah’s Hanistar who includes the Pardes HaTorah in articles constructed as a work of thought
Along with learning the Torah’s Hanistar and standing as the head of ‘Yeshivat Mevakshai Hashem’, a yeshiva for those who practice the secret Torah, Rabbi Friedman paves clear paths in the Torah orchard and connects all parts of the orchard into one association.
The first writings of the author of “Shvilei Pinchas”, appeared in the halacha section, in his monumental publication “Pri Hadar” a commentary on the ‘Pri Megadim’, which became a basic book for anyone who studies the ‘Yoreh De’ah’ and wants to understand the laws correctly.
More than thirty years ago, a new section called ‘Ora Shel Torah’ appeared in Machine Hachareidi’ a weekly Torah sheet issued by Belza Chassidut, in which Rabbi Friedman wrote his ideas in a way unique to him. With the instruction and encouragement of his rabbi the Rebbe of Belza Shlita – the writing of the articles became a regular thing every Shabbes and Moed.
Worldwide distribution in dozens of countries
The readership expanded and crossed continents and countries. In addition to the “written Torah”, there were also “listening friends” who were exposed to the sermons of the “Shvilei Pinchas” – who was known as a producer of pearls and was invited as an honorary speaker at many events worldwide, many have sought to put these things into print to keep them in a nice cover so they can relish every Shabbes on a variety of articles from previous years.
A variety of Jews who unite around the “Shvilei Pinchas” articles
preachers and rabbis from communities around the world testify that they base their sermons during the week and on Shabbes on the books of ‘Shvilei Pinchas’, which deal with a huge and rich variety of topics, and are accessible in their understanding to a very wide range of readers, from the righteous of the generation, young students to people working for their living.
Translation into several languages to facilitate overseas readers
following a request from readers from all around the world from Brazil, Panama, Hong Kong, Morocco, the UK, France, Australia and more and more the weekly articles ‘Shvilei Pinchas’ have been translated into English and French, and some time even to Spanish.
The reactions that come from all corners of the Jewish spectrum show that in all the spectrum of Jewish circles committed to the ruling of the ‘Shulchan Aruch’ – from the most ultra-Orthodox end to the religious end in the other direction – Jews are deeply connected to Rabbi Pinchas Friedman and his clear and unique teachings.
After many requests from Jews living in countries that are difficult to reach without online means, we set up the ‘Shvilei Pinchas’ website, which will display the weekly articles, previously published books, the possibility of registering to receive the sheets by e-mail and other options.