'Shvilei Pinchas' sheet for Parshas Vaera 5785 - for download
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The books of the רב שליט"א
The Rabbi's books are well-known throughout the Jewish Torah world, and dozens of articles have been grouped together for decades into books that many enjoy.
The figure of Rabbi Pinchas Friedman שליט"א
Rabbi Pinchas Friedman has for many years carried the title of “Head of the Belza Kollels.”
Rabbi Friedman is considered a great master of the תורת הנסתר, being a מקובל, he was officially crowned by the Rebbe of Belza as the “Rosh Yeshiva of מבקשי השם” and make the framework of the lessons in תורת הנסתר that have been held in secret for more than thirty years to an official “yeshiva” – To express the need to strengthen the learners in נגלה, that during the difficult time of עקבתא דמשיחא, those who deserve it should also engage in Torah בפנימיות, so that they can understand the holy things scattered in the books of חסידות.